Why jealousy sucks in football!

jealousy Aug 13, 2023

Hey Baller,

this is Chris from Play Mentally Stronger, the Channel which takes care for your personal development and growth within the world of football.

Why jealousy sucks! Have you ever had a situation, where toxic emotions consume your entire energy and poisons your path. What you should know, is that it can arise from personal insecurities, the actions or the successes of others, or any kind of past triggering experiences. 

So let's have a closer look, let's review some concepts, so that you can check in with another perspective onto the topic itself and overcome your jealousy.


As said, jealousy is sth. which is within you. Maybe you compare yourself with another player within your team or within the league, maybe you ask yourself why he or she is obviously more confident and successful as you are, maybe some old behavior is popping up and there is some kind of fallback into old patterns. Whatever it is for your, the No.1 and most important step is, to recognize and define, what your jealousy is all about. Acknowledge the toxic emotions that fuel it and understand the damage it inflicts on your personality, your relationships, your self-esteem, and overall well-being.


So the antidote of jealousy is gratitude. But, and this is sth. you need to consider, installing gratitude, especially if you've never been grateful before, is one of the most difficult disciplines possible. So you have to shift your focus from what others have, to appreciating your own blessings in your life. So instead of looking to the path of success, the fame, the money etc. a player such a Mbappe has already, look on your own to do list. Be grateful, how far you've come already and look at all the possibilities ahead of you. Cultivate a gratitude practice, list things you are grateful for each day. This will fill your heart with contentment, diminishing the power of jealousy, in comparison to others. 


Your hero's journey requires a mindset of celebration, where others' success becomes a cause for joy for you rather than envy. On top, being jealous, doesn't change your individual position. It doesn't even let you feel better. So instead of freaking out in jealousy when others achieve greatness, celebrate their victories wholeheartedly. Be genuinely happy for their success, knowing that their achievements do not diminish your own worth, which is the most important one to me. If others are even more successful than you, it doesn't mean, that you´re not successful at all, or that you´re not worth it. By nurturing a supportive and uplifting environment, jealousy finds no fertile ground to grow.


As said, jealousy often stems from our own insecurities and past experiences. The antidote to this root is a better self-reflection and self-love. Take time for self-reflection, exploring the root causes of your jealousy. Embrace self-love and work on building a strong sense of self-worth. Practice self-care, surround yourself with positive influences, and seek support from loved ones or professionals when needed. By nurturing your inner hero, jealousy loses its grip. Be crystal clear on what you've achieved already and start to define, what you'll still achieve. 


Remember, jealousy's toxic grip can defeat you. Cultivate gratitude, celebrate others' success, and embark on a journey of self-discovery. Harness the power within you to conquer jealousy and create a life filled with genuine happiness and fulfillment. Be proud of what you've achieved already and celebrate, instead of constantly fighting against yourself by comparing your way to others, which won't change anything.


So, Play Mentally Stronger, I'm ready to serve you, whenever you're. 


See you next time,



Disclaimer: all of my content is based on acquired knowledge, personal experiences, and assessments. There is no guarantee of success or achievement. Additionally, I am neither a doctor, therapist, nor a magician, so if you have any health-related concerns, I kindly advise you to consult a medical professional.

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