Why controlling everything won't help you to succeed

control uncontrollable Jul 23, 2023
Hey Baller,

this is Chris from Play Mentally Stronger, the channel which takes care for your personal development and growth within the world of football.

Control over everything is an illusion

Today I want to tell you a story again. In the realm of football, where dreams are forged and heroes are born, there lived a legendary player named Zlatan. His story unfolded with a powerful lesson that reverberated through the hearts of players and fans alike: the understanding that control over everything in this world is an illusion.

Zlatan's journey began in a small town called Malmö in Sweden, where he first discovered his love for the game. From the outset, he was driven by an insatiable desire for control, believing that with absolute mastery over every aspect, he could shape his own destiny. But life, with its unpredictable twists and turns, had a different plan in store.

It was during a crucial match, when Zlatan experienced the full weight of this truth. The opposing team, formidable in their skills and strategy, possessed a scary ability to disrupt Zlatan's control over the game. Their relentless attacks and flawless defense shattered the illusion he had held onto so tightly.

Control isn´t an absolute power, but rather a delicate dance

In that moment Zlatan realized the fallacy of his belief. He understood that control was not an absolute power but a delicate dance with the unknown. With humility, he acknowledged that there were elements beyond his grasp, factors that he could not control.

Surrender the uncontrollable

This revelation sent Zlatan on a profound inner journey. He learned to surrender to the uncontrollable, to release his need for dominion over every outcome. It was in this surrender that he discovered a newfound freedom, a liberation from the burden of control.

Adapt, adjust, react...

Zlatan's perspective shifted, and he embraced the art of adaptation. Instead of resisting the unpredictable, he found solace in the ability to react, adjust, and thrive in the face of uncertainty. He recognized that true greatness isn't in controlling every aspect of the game, but in the give and go to flow with grace and resilience.

Off pitch, Zlatan encountered the struggles that come with fame. Media attention, opinions, and expectations swirled around him like a storm. He recognized, that he couldn't control the narrative, but he could control his response to it.

Control over everything is an illusion

Zlatan's story became a famous inspiration for players around the world. He showed them that control over everything was an illusion, but the power to adapt, to respond, and to overcome challenges was within their understanding. Zlatan's journey taught them the value of embracing the uncontrollable, finding strength in surrender, and unleashing their true potential by pure confidence.

And so, the tale of Zlatan continues, an emotional saga of a hero who learned that true greatness lies not in controlling everything, but in navigating the uncertain currents of life with resilience, adaptability, and an unwavering belief in oneself.

A powerful message 

In the end, Zlatan's story resonated with a powerful message through the souls of players as well as fans. It´s a reminder that true happiness and fulfillment could be found by embracing the understanding that control over everything and perfectionism is just an illusion.

Trying to control every aspect of your life and career only leads to frustration and disappointment. The unpredictable nature of the world presents challenges and opportunities that cannot be controlled, but they can be met with resilience and adaptability.

Through his experiences, Zlatan discovered the beauty of surrendering to the uncontrollable, finding freedom in releasing the need for absolute control. He demonstrated that true greatness lies not in the power to control outcomes, but in the ability to react, adapt, especially times of uncertainty.

Navigate the unknown

His story is a testament to the strength found in surrender, the wisdom gained from navigating the unknown, and the liberation that comes from embracing the dance between control and defeat. It inspired others to find their own balance, to navigate the twists and turns of life with grace and resilience.

So enjoy the dance instead of complaining about everything.


So, Play Mentally Stronger, I'm ready to serve you, whenever you're. 


See you next time,



Disclaimer: all of my content is based on acquired knowledge, personal experiences, and assessments. There is no guarantee of success or achievement. Additionally, I am neither a doctor, therapist, nor a magician, so if you have any health-related concerns, I kindly advise you to consult a medical professional.

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