Self sabotage: why you should never avoid one-on-one talks with your manager!

avoidance manager talks one on one self sabotage Aug 27, 2023

Hey Baller,

this is Chris, founder of  Play Mentally Stronger. Welcome back to the halftime break. Today, we're diving into a topic that could reshape your entire game – the art of embracing one-on-one conversations with your manager. But before we score big with this advice, remember to hit that like button and subscribe, so you never miss out on the game-changing insights for your on pitch performance!

Have you ever had the situation, where a one-on-one chat with your manager would have been necessary. It might seem intimidating or challenging to you, but avoiding it could be like a real foul play to you. Here's why: these conversations are your direct line to improvement, personal growth, and an even more successful football journey.



Avoiding these conversations can hinder your progress. Your manager is there to guide you, refine your skills, and unleash your full potential by challenging you. So, why to shy away from this opportunity? I believe that often it has to do with the fact that many footballers are putting themselves in situations that haven't even occurred yet. They create a mental image of things that might cause them fear or pain. They fear loss, challenge or even result pains, about things which potentially could negatively affect their careers. Often the interpretation of those things are way to emotional instead of rational. They're way to judging instead of being self-conscious and reflecting. 

Have you ever had situations in which you should have had such an uncomfortable yet courageous conversation with the manager? Have you been afraid of losing everything, or a feedback regarding skills you should have worked on, or even better, the result to be back on pitch right after the dialogue. Did you avoid this crucial step, because the associated mental pain was too intimidating. However, avoiding it will not help you in developing further. So what can you do?



Tip number one: Build trust from the very beginning! Understand that your coach generally is on your side as he wants players with a winning attitude, players who wants to succeed. So whenever you're already in a bad position, initiate conversations, share your goals, and ask for feedback. This not only shows your commitment and provides you with the answers you need, but also strengthens the coach-player bond. Remember, trust is the foundation of teamwork.



Tip number two: Master active listening! When you engage in these conversations, don't just hear what you want to hear or prepare your answer already – truly listen. Listen on the self-revelation and factual level instead of being emotional. Absorb the feedback, understand the managers vision, and ask questions to clarify. This not only shows respect but also highlights your dedication for change and growth.



Tip number three: Be open to criticism! Understand that not every feedback, even if it is emotional, is an attack on you as a person, rather your skills. It's a ladder to improvement. Don't let your ego block your path to greatness. Embrace constructive criticism as a stepping stone towards becoming the best version of yourself.



So, let's wrap it up. Avoiding one-on-one conversations with your manager is like not trying to shot the possibly game-winning penalty. Embrace these opportunities and talks as your pathway to growth, and refinement, as they'll deliver you the answers you need.

Remember, facing your coach one-on-one is not just about improving your football game, it's about becoming a champion in life. Keep chasing your dreams and stay resilient.


So, Play Mentally Stronger, I'm ready to serve you, whenever you're. 


See you next time,



Disclaimer: all of my content is based on acquired knowledge, personal experiences, and assessments. There is no guarantee of success or achievement. Additionally, I am neither a doctor, therapist, nor a magician, so if you have any health-related concerns, I kindly advise you to consult a medical professional.

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