How a Footballer can deal with anger and frustration

anger emotions frustration Jun 18, 2023

Hey Baller,

this is Chris from Play Mentally Stronger! Welcome back at the halftime-break. Have you ever experienced situations, where you were just mad at everybody or you've been super frustrated due to certain circumstances? Did you ever ask yourself, how to deal with anger and frustration?



If you better want to deal with anger and frustration and gain more control over yourself, there are several important steps that you've to take as a footballer. First and foremost, it is crucial to identify and understand the causes of these emotions. What is it, that is triggering you so much? Take a break, self-reflect and analyse the past situations. Write them down and ask yourself, from another perspective, what's your role within the circumstances? What you could do, to change it positively?


Self-regulating techniques

An effective approach is to learn techniques for emotional self-regulation and integrate them into your training routine. To me such a routine is breathing, because it immediately helps to reduce and to control stress. At the same time it enhances your focus. Additionally, working with a Coach or Sports Psychologist can help, in developing specific strategies and addressing individual issues. 


Improve communication

Another important recommendation is, to improve communication to whomever. With the team, the coach, your partner, your parents, your agent, whomever. Open conversations about your own feelings and focusing the solutions, can help identify and address frustrations early on. A strong support network within the team can also contribute to reducing negative emotions and strengthen your self-confidence.


Understand the truth

Learning mental techniques for coping with setbacks and mistakes is also of great importance. Accepting mistakes as part of the game and developing a positive attitude can help transform negative emotions into positive energy. Furthermore, it is important to focus on your own strengths and successes to enhance self-confidence and maintain motivation.

So my training recommendations for you:

  1. Self regulation techniques: Incorporate breathing into your ever days life, to reduce stress and strengthen focus.
  2. Collaboration with a Coach or a Sports Psychologist once a week: Work with an expert to develop specific strategies for emotional coping and address individual issues.
  3. Improved communication: Engage in open conversations with your team and coach about your feelings and work together to find solutions.
  4. Mental coping with failure, anger, frustration, setbacks: Learn to accept these circumstances as part of the game and develop a positive attitude to transform negative emotions into positive energy.
  5. Focus on strengths and achievements: Concentrate on your own strengths and successes to enhance self-confidence and maintain motivation.

By following these steps and actively engaging with your emotions, you will be able to better handle anger and frustration and gain more control over yourself. This will have a positive impact on your game and performance as a football player.

Give me a like or leave me a comment, if you agree. So, Play Mentally Stronger, I'm ready to serve you, whenever you're.


See you next time,



Disclaimer: all of my content is based on acquired knowledge, personal experiences, and assessments. There is no guarantee of success or achievement. Additionally, I am neither a doctor, therapist, nor a magician, so if you have any health-related concerns, I kindly advise you to consult a medical professional.



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