How to develop mental high performance for football player

mental high performance Jun 25, 2023

Hey Baller,

this is Chris from Play Mentally Stronger! Welcome back at the halftime-break. Today, we're diving into the topic of reaching mental high performance as a professional football player. If you want to excel in your game and unlock your full potential, there are four key areas you need to master. Let's kick off!


First and foremost, let's talk about the psychology of high performance in football. To reach your peak performance, it's crucial to gain control over your thoughts, emotions, and behavior. Stay motivated, positive, and resilient, even in the face of setbacks. Develop empathy to understand and connect with your teammates and opponents. A strong mental game is the foundation for success on the field.


Now, let's focus on the area of physiology and how it impacts your mental performance. Managing your breathing, sleep, nutrition, workouts, and overall health is paramount. Consistently caring for your well-being is what sets high performers apart. Prioritize rest and recovery to avoid burnout and injuries. Take care of your body, and it will support you in achieving long-term success, because you'll be longterm on pitch. All this, starts in your head.


Next, productivity. It's time to delve into the science behind setting goals and maximizing your time on and off the field. Master the art of goal setting, prioritize tasks effectively, and schedule dedicated blocks of time for focused practice, additional fitness training, and strategic mental preparation. Remember, the main thing is to make the main thing the main thing. Stay focused on what truly matters, and you'll enter the zone where your performance soars.


Last but not least, let's discuss the crucial skill of persuasion in the realm of professional football. You can't always face your challenges alone. Learning how to get people to believe in you, listen to you, follow you, and support you is vital. Develop strong people skills to inspire and lead your team, build up relationships with fans and sponsors, and garner support for your dreams. Persuasion is a powerful tool that will elevate your game and take you to new heights.


That´s it! Reaching high performance as a professional football player requires mastering these four P´s: psychology, physiology, productivity, and persuasion.

Take control of your mindset, prioritize your well-being, optimize your time, and develop your people skills. By doing so, you'll unlock your true potential on and off pitch, with the support of your family, peers, and followers.

Now, go out there, show everybody what you're made for. Remember, greatness awaits those who strive for it. If you do so, I´m pretty sure that you'll succeed.

So, Play Mentally Stronger, I'm ready to serve you, whenever you're.


See you next time,



Disclaimer: all of my content is based on acquired knowledge, personal experiences, and assessments. There is no guarantee of success or achievement. Additionally, I am neither a doctor, therapist, nor a magician, so if you have any health-related concerns, I kindly advise you to consult a medical professional.



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